Monday, February 13, 2017

January 27, 2017

Gross Domestic Product

GDP: It is the total value of all final goods and services and produced within a country borders in a given year. It includes all production or income earned with the US by US and foreign producers.
It excludes production outside of the US even by Americans.

GNP (Gross National Product): The total value of all final goods and services produced by Americans within the given year. It includes production or income earned by Americans anywhere in the world, it excludes production by non Americans even in the US.

C(Consumption 67%)+ Ig (Gross Private Domestic Investment 18%)+ G(Government Purchases 17%)+XN(net export -2%)

Included into GDP

Excluded from GDP
Intermediate goods-inputs used to make final goods
avoid double counting or multiple counting
used or secondhand goods
stocks and bonds
no production
unreported business activities
gifts and transferred payments (public or private)
illegal activity
non market activity

Expenditure approach:
C+IG+G+XN+Proprietors income

Income approach:
 W(wages)-compensation of employees/salaries
R(rents)- income received by the household and business that supply the resources
I(interest)-money payed by private business to due suppliers of loans used to purchase capital
P(profits)-when you are your own business
Statistical adjustments

Trade Formula:

Budget Formula:
Government purchases of goods and services + government transferred payments- government tax and fee collection
Positive: DEFICIT  negative: SURPLUS

National Income Formula:
Compensation of employees+rental income+interest income+ proprietor's income+ corporate profit
GDP- Indirect business taxes – Depreciation – Net foreign factor payment

Net domestic Product:
GDP- Depreciation

Disposable Personal Income: 
National income-personal household taxes+government transfer payment

Net National product:
GNP- Depreciation

Video above will clearly explain all the notes taken during this post, enjoy!!

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